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Study on Generative AI in Education

Pau Basart De Diego || 20 de diciembre de 2023

The Kick off meeting for the “Study on Generative AI in Education”

Five countries involved: Germany, Estonia, Spain, Finland and Ireland. UNED represents Spain.
The SMEMIU members participating are Sara Osuna-Acedo, Roberto Feltrero y Carlos Escaño.
The study is organized by Joint Research Centre (JRC) Digital Education and Skills at the European Commission.

Objective: to study the current and emerging facets of generative AI, and its impacts on the European society and education, in support of EU digital policies. In the case of education, access to generative AI systems may redefine core practices in teaching, learning and assessment.

This study aims to find quantitative and qualitative evidence on the adoption of generative AI tools in education in order to find out the real situation in Europe.


Pau Basart De Diego

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